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Chris grew up in Invermere, BC where he became involved with horses at an early age. It was since this time that Chris knew he would spend his life involved with horses. It wasn't until mid-way through Elementary School that Chris would envision himself as a "horse trainer". Throughout School, Chris continued to ride his personal and family-owned horses - experimenting with and exploring his natural gift.

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Career Highlights & Education:


  • Two-year Equine Science Program at Olds College where he majored in Western Training under the instruction of trainer, J.P. Forget.

  • ​Trainers assistant for Carol Rose Quarter Horses, the AQHA's All-time leading Breeder of Performance Horses located in Gainesville Texas.

  • Ride and train with the likes of Michael Berg, Bobby Lewis, Carol Metcalfe, Tim McQuay & Tom Chown.

  • ​3+ years as head trainer for Gerold Dautzenburg owner/operator of Long View Ranch (LV Ranch) in Wilhelmsburg Austria. Chris trained and campaigned prospects, fine-tuned finish horses as well as coached youth and amateurs at home and at shows throughout Europe.

  • Coach and compete in 3 European Championship Quarter horse shows held annually in Kreuth Germany.

  • ​Dressage Training at Elk Horn Ranches with, "Star Fan Nicomen" a Dutch Friesian mare under the helpful guidance of talented Alberta Dressage trainer. Eventually hard work and true equine talent prevailed when Chris navigated the Mare before a judge through her third level dressage test in 2004.

  • ​World Class Elite Trainer Status.

  • Owned, operated own equine facilities, competed all over Canada and the USA

  • Currently training out of multiple facilities in the Sherwood Park, Alberta area.  Offering onsite and offsite services.

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